A day of Bingo and Sunken Treasure review games in Earth Science today! Getting ready for that Ch 13 test tomorrow!
about 5 years ago, Kelly Burton
I LOVE these smiling faces!
about 5 years ago, Bonnie Buckley
Kids smiling.
To the Happiest of Birthdays!! Hoping you had an amazing day yesterday and praying God richly blesses your year! 🥳
about 5 years ago, Sheila Nance
More celebrations for 4th grade girl
Mom and dad come for a birthday lunch celebration
4th grader celebrates birthday
6th grade review for test! Math problems worked on the board.
about 5 years ago, Jill Cline
Math test review.
11th grade students taking a test on their knowledge of James and Peter’s epistles
about 5 years ago, Annette Payne
Students taking a test
Boys taking a test
Mrs. Perez’s class is busy working on their muscles ripping newspaper for the letter N n.
about 5 years ago, Paula Perez
Always a great day when you get “photobombed” by your awesome principal!!!
about 5 years ago, Laura Beth Trammell
7th Science “Bring Your Plant to School Day”. Classifying and studying plant structure.
about 5 years ago, Beth Shipton
Students hold plants
Acting out a story in reading group today!
about 5 years ago, Joyce Holdren
Second grade
Second grade
Have you downloaded our WCA app yet?!? This is a GREAT way to see school wide photos, fun activities in the classroom, and keep up with WCA’s current events! Have everything WCA right in your pocket with this FREE app!
about 5 years ago, Jessica Beach
Found in the APP store
“Starbucks Mode” in Geography today- free seating arrangements, snacks and a drink, while quietly working on maps and listening to music.
about 5 years ago, Alison Williamson
Working on maps
Students work on maps
Students at work
“Starbucks Mode” work day
Second grade visiting 5th grade Biomes!
about 5 years ago, Joyce Holdren
Second grade
5th graders show what they’ve learned by making a World Biome! Projects are on display in Elementary hallway.
about 5 years ago, Beth Shipton
Student projects
Students with projects
Hall of projects
Students at desks
Fine motor muscles at work in K4! Today Mrs. Beach’s class had a STICKER PARTY! During journal time they had to use their fine motor muscles to peel stickers and push them onto their journals. Preschool is the perfect time for these fun, yet meaningful activities to bring finger strength so they will be ready for writing in kindergarten!
about 5 years ago, Jessica Beach
Fine motor muscles at work!
Fine motor muscles at work!
Sticker party!
History classes working on current events, such as Kobe Bryant, The Trump impeachment trial or Coronavirus. Students are writing about these topics from a Christian worldview perspective.
about 5 years ago, Jim Barber
Computer lab
Computer lab
It’s wonderful to see our WCA Alumni reach their goals. Congratulations, Blake Fulcher, Class of 2019. We are so proud of you. Thank you for your service! 🇺🇸
about 5 years ago, Lisa Gibson
Blake Fulcher United States Marine
Hip Hip Hooray! It’s the 100th Day! Mrs. Beach and Mrs. Porterfield’s class had fun celebrating the 100th day! They had fun 100th day stations, made 100th day T-shirts, and had some yummy 100th day treats! Our goal at WCA Preschool is to create a FUN learning environment where students fall in LOVE with learning!
about 5 years ago, Jessica Beach
 100 Hersey Kisses!
100th day!
100th day cupcakes!
100th day stations!
Oh the weather outside is frightful... but K4 is so delightful...
about 5 years ago, Jessica Beach
Happy 100th Day of School from Mrs. Perez’s K3 class!!
about 5 years ago, Paula Perez
Love the dedication of the Honor Society Leadership Team! Up early for a meeting over breakfast to plan for the remainder of the school year!
about 5 years ago, Alison Williamson
Breakfast meeting with Honor Society Leadership Team.